Author Archives: Christy McDougall
One Year In Belgium
I think I’ve grown more in this last year than I have in my whole adulthood over the course of several years, which is saying a lot, because there was much growing to do during itineration. Continue reading
Yes, The Cross Is An Exceedingly Strange Religious Symbol
Yes, the cross is an exceedingly strange religious symbol.
Embarrassing, even. An instrument of humiliation and torture, after all. Continue reading
On Student Ministry Trips
This summer, students from CTS are going all over the world to work in building, medical, teaching, and evangelism ministries. They have the opportunity to go to Nigeria, Congo, Cameroon, South Africa, Japan, Bosnia, and a number of other countries, … Continue reading
In Which Belgium Is Different From Montana
This is a random list of random little things I’ve been noticing that strike me as extremely odd when I see or notice them. Sometimes it takes me a while to notice them, like this first one: There are very … Continue reading
On My First Two Weeks of Teaching
I love teaching so much. Continue reading
On Mortal Ills Prevailing
On the exquisite, brilliant, Good News, which is sweeter and stronger and more prevailing. Continue reading
On the Wisdom of Serpents and the Innocence of Doves; or, Scams
If you own a domain name, please be aware (and beware) of this scam. Don’t just do stuff blindly. It’s not good business, and it’s not wise. Continue reading
On Not Losing Heart
When we constantly read a passage in the same translation, it becomes very easy to skip over the familiar old words and not pay much attention to what they’re really saying. But when we read them in a new way, a new translation, a new language, they become new and vivid. Continue reading