Category: Random Musings
One Year In Belgium
I think I’ve grown more in this last year than I have in my whole adulthood over the course of several years, which is saying a lot, because there was much growing to do during itineration. Continue reading
On the Wisdom of Serpents and the Innocence of Doves; or, Scams
If you own a domain name, please be aware (and beware) of this scam. Don’t just do stuff blindly. It’s not good business, and it’s not wise. Continue reading
On Introversion
I am a decided introvert. It is one of the most defining categories of my life. A few clarifying statements about this should be made (and already have been, since I stole this directly from my About page: This doesn’t … Continue reading
On Being A Female Intellectual
I’m particularly thankful for an upbringing that taught me not to see “female” as a barrier to anything I was suited to do nor as a detriment to any profession I might enter or activity I might want to take up. Continue reading