Tag Archives: Europe
On My First Two Weeks of Teaching
I love teaching so much. Continue reading
MT/MR: Continental Theological Seminary
At Missionary Training and Renewal, I learned what of value I had to offer to Continental Theological Seminary (besides an obsession with Greek…). Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Europe, Missionary Training/MissionaryRenewal
Tagged Belgium, calling, Continental Theological Seminary, CTS, Europe, European education, Francis of Assisi, greek, John Wesley, missions, Participles, Paul, spiritual development, students, theology, Trinity Bible College, universities
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MT/MR: The AG Europe Missions Family
On t’a fait connaître, ô homme, ce qui est bien; Et ce que l’Éternel demande de toi, C’est que tu pratiques la justice, Que tu aimes la miséricorde, Et que tu marches humblement avec ton Dieu. He has … Continue reading