Tag Archives: students
One Year In Belgium
I think I’ve grown more in this last year than I have in my whole adulthood over the course of several years, which is saying a lot, because there was much growing to do during itineration. Continue reading
On Student Ministry Trips
This summer, students from CTS are going all over the world to work in building, medical, teaching, and evangelism ministries. They have the opportunity to go to Nigeria, Congo, Cameroon, South Africa, Japan, Bosnia, and a number of other countries, … Continue reading
On My First Two Weeks of Teaching
I love teaching so much. Continue reading
MT/MR: Continental Theological Seminary
At Missionary Training and Renewal, I learned what of value I had to offer to Continental Theological Seminary (besides an obsession with Greek…). Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Europe, Missionary Training/MissionaryRenewal
Tagged Belgium, calling, Continental Theological Seminary, CTS, Europe, European education, Francis of Assisi, greek, John Wesley, missions, Participles, Paul, spiritual development, students, theology, Trinity Bible College, universities
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